Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design, Preparation of E&S Safeguard Document, Preparation of Bidding Documents, Support to ANE, IP, during the Bidding Period and Construction Supervision of One-Stop Border Posts (OSBP) at Zóbuè and Calómue – Mozambique/Malawi Border Crossings
ToRs for OSBP Zobue and Colomue 240124 clean (1) Continuar
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design, Preparation of E&S Safeguard Document, Preparation of Bidding Documents, Support to ANE, IP. during The Bidding Period and Construction Supervision of One-Stop Border Posts (OSBP) at Cassacatiza – Mozambique / Zambia Border Crossings
ToRs for OSBP Cassacatiza 240124 clean (1) Continuar
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Architectural and Engineering Design, Preparation of E&S Safeguard Document, Preparation of Bidding Documents, Support to ANE, IP and Malawi Roads Authority during the Bidding Period and Construction Supervision of One Stop Border Post (OSBP) at the Muloza and Milange Border Posts on the Malawi / Mozambique Border Crossing
TOR Muloza_Milange OSBP 240124 clean (2) Continuar